Thursday, March 08, 2007


Finally getting down to posting photos of my weekend in Inverness. There's been a huuuuuge delay. My excuse is terrible but I'll say it anyway: I've been busy.

Before the photos though, I have to say I'm so happy these days I'm literally bouncing around. Jude (friend and colleague) has been going around asking people: Why is she so happy? What's she on?

Haha...nothing really. Sunshine I guess. It's crazy. Everybody's left second-guessing the weather. Last year, Aberdeen had a late winter - heavy snowfall in March. This year, we had, like, errm, 2 days of light snow in February. The sun's been glorious the past week. But everybody's still cautious and nobody's saying that winter's over. Yes, I'm absolutely delighted with the sunshine we're getting! That's the reason I'm happy. High. Manic. Delirious. Whatever.

Ok, back to the photos...

The Drive... to Inverness.


Stopped over at Jenna's house on the way.
She's got a lovely house, by the way.

AND! And it's in the COUNTRY!

Minz & Gaurisha in Jenna's garden

See? Country house - big garden! Excellent!

Minz & George... Awww...

Debated with myself for a long time if I should include this photo.

But yes, here it is.

Me. On the piano. After a whole year and a half.

Of not having a piano to play on.

It's true.

You don't miss it until you lose it.


Minz, Gaurisha & Jenna
in a book/coffee shop with a real furnace in the middle.

Then some shopping...


The first ZARA I see in SCOTLAND!

That happiness is unimaginable.

Incidentally, Jude has something to say about my shopping habits.

She says: You need help, girl.

Gaurisha, Jenna, Jude & Minz

Saturday, March 03, 2007


I was not talking about marriage in my last post.

Oh no...
