Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Day…

10am: Got up of bed, after hitting the snooze button exactly 3 times because the alarm was originally set for 9:30am

10:10am: Brushed my teeth and washed my face.

10:30am: Breakfast. 2 slices of wholemeal bread with cheese, ham, and lettuce. Went online to catch up on the news.

11:45am: Took the frozen vegetables out of the freezer to de-frost.

1pm: Cooked meals. Cooked double portion so I can save time cooking dinner.

1:30pm: Ate lunch. Had rice, vegetables and soup.

2:00pm: Washed the dishes.

2:10pm: Started to do research for my final year project.

3:45pm: Took a break. Staring at the computer for too long is bad for the eyes.

4pm: Resumed work.

6pm: Warmed up food in microwave.

6:08pm: Ate dinner. Repeat of lunch.

6:45pm: Washed the dishes. Rest and read “The Bonesetter’s Daughter” by Amy Tan (By the way, it’s a fantastic book… about mothers and daughters. Very touching.)

8:00pm: Watched “Runaway bride” on TV.

10:00pm: Resumed work on project.

Midnight: Blogging...


Highlights of my day...
  1. Dor called: FINALLY she's on Skype. But now, the next time I'll hear from her is when she's in Can-nah-da (hopefully).
  2. Wonderful chat with Eug: You make me laugh! This guy's the bright spark in my life... *Hugz* Eh, rest well and get better quickly, ya?
  3. CJ called because he was bored. CJ, even if you decide to only read his blog and not mine from now on, it's ok because I agree his blog's good. That's why I recommeded it what! Moreover, he has got magical powers.. Haha.. Oh yah, I meant what I said just now. There is no such nonsense like a therapist on-off switch, ok? I would have said the same things to you even if you came to me professionally at work. So you got the good deal actually - 45 mins of my time and all you had to pay for was the phone bill... AND.. we ARE in the same time zone! Please tell me you were humouring me and you didn't really believe that I was having breakfast... OMG...
  4. Wonderful chat with Ivan: Wah, long time since I heard your voice. But good good goody... Eh, don't worry so much k? No fiddly-fingers and you'll be fine. *Hug*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like ur comments on CJ...Btw what is his blog add?? I wanna read it too =) Thanx!!