It's been a week since I updated my blog.
And I didn't even realise it till now...
That's how busy I was.
So this is just gonna be a summary of the week.
No class today.
Stayed home and did "work"
Can't really define work.
It's a mish-mash of writing essay, cooking meals,
lying on the bed, walking around the house aimlessly,
sitting in the common room and talking.
Something like that.
No classes today.
Stayed home and did "work"
This time serious WORK.
Trying to string together 700+ words for the introduction to my essay.
I've been doing it all weekend so much so that I forgot to go online
to chat with my friends and family.
It absolutely has to be completed by today.
Because I say so.
It's a goal I set for myself.
Classes from 9-11am then 12-1pm.
Woke up really early for class.
Discovered a sms had come in the night while I was sleeping.
Bad news: Her dad passed away.
Sent her a reply to convey my condolences.
She seems to be coping.
Submitted my draft introduction - turned out to be 1200 words.
Had dinner in a Thai restaurant with friends - late Valentine's Day meal.
Not a great restaurant.
Got our orders wrong - twice.
Had to ask 6 times before we got water.
Made a complaint and got the service charge waived.
Proceeded onto the pubs.
Stayed on at a pub till it closed.
Went back home and continue chatting with friends.
Slept at... in the morning.
When the sun was shining brightly.
Stayed at home to recuperate.
All of us had some kindda "illness".
Either a cold or some stomach discomfort.
Not a very romantic V-day afterall.
Had a "confession" session with 2 good friends - both in Australia.
They understand the feeling of being away from home.
The freedom as well as the guilt that comes with it.
Went back for classes.
Supposed to be 10am-12pm then 2-4pm.
But the morning lecturer didn't appear (?!!)
so the afternoon lecture was brought forward.
Lecturer was not prepared for class yet.
Her slides were incomplete.
So we finished real early - 11am.
Done for the day.
All 5 of us in the flat woke up and made a decision in 5 minutes.
Went to pack and left the house 10 minutes later.
Towel, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel,
comb, slippers, hairdryers.
It felt like we were going swimming.
But no.
We were going to the gym to use the shower.
Because the boiler in the building had broken down the night before!
No heating system = cold rooms.
No heating system = cold water.
So that's the summary of my week.
Apologies that I have been "missing"
I've actually been doing work.
And that's kindda the reason that I'm here yah?
So be happy for me that I'm productive.
But I promise to be back.
Within the next few days...
Till then, take care.
And be good! =)