Herman is a humongous rabbit that weighs 7.7kg and is almost 1 metre tall.

Rudi, another rabbit like Herman, is a German Giant (I'm not being politically incorrect. They belong to a breed of rabbits that's really called German Giant). Rudi weighs 8.7kg and was destined for the cook pot. However, after Rudi was crowned "Berlin Champion" in a competition and became somewhat famous, his owner suddenly decided that he couldn't bear to cook Rudi because he was "too fond" of him. So it's true that fame cultivates "fondness", eh?
Anyway, I'm not interested in which rabbit is the largest, the heaviest, the most delicious or whatever...
I'm interested in how many rabbits you know.
Rabbits are really quite cute things, aren’t they? Furry, good-tempered, sociable creatures… No wonder they appear so often in popular media. Think for a moment about all the bunnies you’ve seen in the media. How many did you come up with?
MissyMinz Rabbit Hall of Fame
Peter Rabbit
White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Roger Rabbit
(She must be the world's saddest rabbit. She's got a "X" for a mouth lor...)
Rabbit (Winnie the Pooh)
The bunny that keeps going and going... and going...
Thumper (Bambi)
Were-rabbit (Wallace and Gromit)
No chance of forgetting this guy. Ever.
And lastly...
ur blog sure is very interesting to read! continue to have fun there!
You forgot Brer Rabbit and Bugs Bunny.
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