Monday, June 19, 2006

Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire

I promised to do back entries to let you all know what I had been up to... so here it is!


After an extended period of grumbling that I've yet to visit Stonehaven (Julia gushed that it was beautifuuuul, absolutely have to visit!), Stephanie and I decided to make the trip before she left for the States for summer.

Took a day off from my attachment specially for this trip but the weather was not on our side. Ended up trudging through the countryside, cold and wet. But the trip was not all bad! Photos below detailing the picturesque journey of 2 crazies...

Arrived in Stonehaven around lunch time
(hard time getting out of bed)

Stephanie had flowers for lunch.


Ha! And you thought I was lying!

Town centre of Stonehaven - check out the side of the bench!


Our intended destination was


According to the guide book,

the walk from town centre to the castle and back:

Distance - 3.5miles (5.7km)

Allow - 1hr 30mins

Determination personified...

If you're wondering what determination has to do with anything,
I'd say it's necessary to help psych oneself up
to walk almost 6km
in miserable Scottish weather for 90minutes
to see ruins of a castle.

See the link now?

2 coats/jackets each.

We're well-prepared.


10 minutes into our walk

I recognised an establishment...


I was complaining day and night that I HAVE NOT been to Stonehaven

and now I realised I've actually BEEN to Stonehaven before!

*hides faces in hands*

You know you have a problem when you only recognise

places because of the pub.

*Reminds self to check into alcohol rehab programme*

But for now, the journey must continue.

Starting at sea level...

(what I think is sea level, anyway)

Ascending up a steep muddy path...

Top of steep path (no way near the mid-point of ascent though)

Possibly mid-point of ascent...

friends spotted!

Destination in sight!

Dunnottar Castle: top left of photo...

The "hill" doesn't look very steep here

but I assure you it IS very steep

and the path is narrow.

Tread carefully, lots of rabbit holes.

Walking 2-abreast is not recommended

unless you like living life on the edge.


The power of the "ZOOM" function.

We're getting closer!! *excited*

See how drenched pleased we are?

Came across this "cave" before the entrance of the castle.

It opens out into the great open sea...

It was so quiet... so isolated...

Not a single soul in sight.

Steph and I decided to give back to nature...

*and then when we got to the top of the castle

and looked down, we realised we could see

the cave clearly... Oh gaaawddd!*


Entrance fee: £4

But thanks to Stephanie (Queen of under-the-table dealings)

we got in for a discounted "poor-students" price.

At this point, I'm tempted to end this blog entry.

Not going to post pictures of the interior
(if the insides of a collapsed and ruined castle can be called an "interior" in the first place).

Because I PAID money to go in, ok?

(Please e-mail me personally for pictures.
A token donation guarantees a reply)

BUT I decided I will put up 2 pictures of the "interior" for promotional purposes.

Even blockbuster movies need a trailer, yeah?

A room in commemoration of the defence of the honours of Scotland

Looks like a historically significant table

where important individuals gathered to

discuss war strategies,

sign treaties,


enjoy tea and biscuits.

*Slight self-conciousness is compulsory when others enter and take photos around you or wonder if you are indeed something leftover of a past era, until they notice your modern clothes... and then they wonder WTH you are doing eating at the table*


With that, we return to the EXTERIOR of the castle...

(this part is free)

... and the long walk back.


Anonymous said...

my home town.....amazing

Minz said...

It is beautiful... postcard perfect...