Thursday, July 06, 2006

Even If You Are Not Interested... missiles, nuclear weapons, communists or North Korea,

I'd still recommend this article

that appeared in The Australian.

Because it's witty, entertaining, educational and insulting

all at the same time.



"It [North Korea] is a rogue nation, pursuing nuclear weapons, enslaving and starving its people, constantly lying about its intentions and actions, forging US dollars in large amounts, smuggling drugs on state-owned ships and constantly destabilising northeast Asia."

"It is wrong to characterise its reclusive, eccentric and downright weird-looking leader, Kim Jong-il, with his Mao suits, elevator shoes and Elvis-style bouffant hair, as crazy."

"Kim and his fellow leaders rarely leave home. They do not have a sure grasp of how the world works. Their acquaintance with reality is not altogether intimate. They view the world entirely through the prism of their own paranoia. "

"Like many diseased political cultures, North Korea thrives on a climate of crisis. It likes to negotiate in crisis with a gun simultaneously to its own head and to that of its interlocutors. "


Brilliantly written.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... You can say the same for China. No matter how capitalist it becomes, China is still a Communist country with very little social rights. We spend a lot of money in China. Sometimes, we have to think, what are we really supporting with our money?
Similarly, we spend a lot on American branded goods, sometimes, we have to think, do we really want to support the Americanisation of the world? Right in front of the Forbidden City in Beijing is a great big MacDonalds... :p
North Korea is only the tip of the iceberg...