Monday, November 13, 2006

2 Years Later...

... I'm back in Sydney.

The journey here was rather eventful firstly because of this particular travel companion I have and also because there were lovely stewards (ok, cute is what I really mean) onboard the flight.

My travel companion actually shouldn't really be my travel companion. You know how they say "three strikes and you're out?" Haha... I counted 3... 4... 5... and then I just gave up counting. It was a crash course on "disregard the airport system" and the method of teaching was via "live demonstration".

Strike 1: Queuing to clear immigration in Singapore

Travel Companion (TC): Eh look, there's a shorter queue there. Only 1 person, let's go there...
Me: Really?
*TC attempts to join the shorter queue but was waved back into the original queue.


Because the queue was meant for "air crew"

Strike 2: Entering the holding room prior to boarding

TC happily pushes the trolley into the holding room to take her luggage to the security station for screening.
Security officer: Ma'am, no trolleys allowed here please. *points to large sign at door*

Strike 3: Attempting to bypass security

See, this is the most puzzling. I don't understand how this possibly happened. You see a large metal "door frame". A security officer stands on the other side of the frame and waves you through.

Most people walk through the frame, thinking: I hope I don't set the sensor off.

TC squeezes between the side of the frame and the luggage scanner, a mere gap of a few inches, completely bypassing the security screen, thinking: *actually I don't really know what TC was thinking at the moment, if at all she was =P *



So I am away (again) at the moment

& I don't really know when I'll be back.

So watch this space! =)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Time Check

I'm happy happy happy! Tiredness and a completely haywire circadian rhythm aside (I've had many sleepless nights, the most recent of which I spent it chatting online with a friend who was working the night shift), it feels wonderful to be home. You know? The simple things in life... My room, my bed, my wardrobe (oh oh.. how I have been deprived this past year in my choice of clothes), my family and my friends... I'm easily contented (or so I think).

Started by pretending to be a homebody by plonking myself on the sofa for one complete day - 8hours, a couple of toilet breaks + 1 lunch break - to catch up with a drama series that my cousin lovingly taped for me (Thanx Adabelle!).

And then the outings began... and haven't stopped =P

The Bear and I @ Secret Garden

SM, SB (who thoroughly enjoyed percussion), HM, CY & YL
(The Bear was taking the photo...)

(The Bear took photo again)

Yeah, yeah, there is a difference between the 2 photos...

The first was about 12am? And this was 3+am...


I'm getting to know Singapore all over again because roads have changed, there are new places to check out (Yes, I have heard about Vivocity. No, I haven't been there yet.) and there are new restaurants/cafes to try out... So many things to do, so little time (thought I'd never say this about Singapore)! It's been 12 days since I've been back but it only feels like 5 days or something! Physical time has lost it's meaning (especially since I am officially at war with my circadian rhythm) and evidently my psychological time is slightly messed up, but really, time doesn't matter! I don't need to be reminded that each day that passes brings me closer to going back to work *banishes the thought*...

Incidentally, I'm planning to go to Underwater World end Nov/beginning Dec, anybody else wants to come?