Monday, November 13, 2006

2 Years Later...

... I'm back in Sydney.

The journey here was rather eventful firstly because of this particular travel companion I have and also because there were lovely stewards (ok, cute is what I really mean) onboard the flight.

My travel companion actually shouldn't really be my travel companion. You know how they say "three strikes and you're out?" Haha... I counted 3... 4... 5... and then I just gave up counting. It was a crash course on "disregard the airport system" and the method of teaching was via "live demonstration".

Strike 1: Queuing to clear immigration in Singapore

Travel Companion (TC): Eh look, there's a shorter queue there. Only 1 person, let's go there...
Me: Really?
*TC attempts to join the shorter queue but was waved back into the original queue.


Because the queue was meant for "air crew"

Strike 2: Entering the holding room prior to boarding

TC happily pushes the trolley into the holding room to take her luggage to the security station for screening.
Security officer: Ma'am, no trolleys allowed here please. *points to large sign at door*

Strike 3: Attempting to bypass security

See, this is the most puzzling. I don't understand how this possibly happened. You see a large metal "door frame". A security officer stands on the other side of the frame and waves you through.

Most people walk through the frame, thinking: I hope I don't set the sensor off.

TC squeezes between the side of the frame and the luggage scanner, a mere gap of a few inches, completely bypassing the security screen, thinking: *actually I don't really know what TC was thinking at the moment, if at all she was =P *



So I am away (again) at the moment

& I don't really know when I'll be back.

So watch this space! =)

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