Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Home Internet!

I'm back online almost 24/7 (almost, because I have work) now since I've got internet at home. What a difference it makes! Living without internet is not impossible. But it's a major hassle. Internet greatly improves quality of life. Catching up with friends and family, information at my fingertips, online shopping, blogging and random surfing!

My internet package allows me "unlimited" usage subject to fairuse policy. In the language here, it means "not really unlimited". I get 3GB. Which EVERYBODY I spoke to before getting the package told me: 3GB is a lot! You probably won't even use it all.

Evidently, they have no idea how I use the internet. One week after I got the package, I'm up to 2GB already! 10days on, I'm at 2.5GB... I am now prepared to get a letter from the company asking me to reduce me usage. Apparently, "unlimited" = 3GB but on reaching the 3GB, they do not terminate my account (now, that would be waaaaay too cruel). Instead, I'd get a letter politely (I think) asking me to reduce my usage. If I still do not comply, then the speed of my internet would be reduced. Which, all is all, is not that bad in the worst case scenario.


On an entirely different topic... I think the lack of sunshine in this neglected part of the world is getting to me. The past week was terrible -- work stress (major event), relationship stress (minor event, tiny event but at that time, it felt like a major event). And you know that the stress is getting to you when even dreams are stressful!

Last week, I had a mega-horrible nightmare (10/10 perfect score nightmare) which had me waking up at 5:30am, so scared that I unable to go back to bed. Ended up coming online, chatting with my bro and phoned 2 friends (one in Brunei, the other in Singapore) just for reassurance that my dream was not a premonition. Most unbecoming, illogical behaviour for a 23-year-old.

Today, my body's decided to give in to the stress and I ended up in bed in pajamas, sweater and 2 blankets, busy sneezing. Took an anti-histamine and goodness! It was strong! I think it's because I've been off the anti-histamines for a long time that I felt the effect so strongly (when I took them more regularly because of my sinus in Singapore, I was normally only slightly drowsy). Well, today, I was concussed for a good 16 hours - can't complain, body needed the rest, and had the most vivid dreams ever (dreamt that Nescafe developed a new coffee that was cigarette-flavoured. Ewwwww....)


So that's me, for now. Back online. And hopefully back on track with everything else...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

8th of March!

That's the date of my last post! Absolutely neglected. Absolutely disgraceful.

Right. Quick update on major changes:

1) I've been changed from being on a temporary contract to being a permanent member of staff now. Hush hush...nooooo... that doesn't mean I'm NOT coming home. Ahem, it just means I can decide when I'm coming home instead of it being decided by my employer. More power to me.

2) I've started driving lessons! Hoho... had my second lesson today, went onto the main road... Woohooo...exhilarating! But oh... oh.... what stress! Clutch control (yeah, yeah, MANUAL car this time. Major culture shock. Apparently, only disabled people drive automatic cars here. Bummer.)

Anyway, back to where I was... clutch control, check rear mirror, blindspot, indicator, traffic lights, traffic signs, pedestrains, bicycle, buses! Arrrghh... drives me absolutely mad. Too much stimuli. Kindda like putting an epileptic into a room filled with multi-coloured flashing lights. Result? An epileptic fit, obviously.

OR, (wait for this) indicating left but tried to turn the car right!
Instructor: What are you doing? *attempting to steer the car left*
Me: Turning left. *steering the car right*

Alternatively, me turning a corner, letting the clutch go to quickly, hence almost heading into another car.
Instructor: Turn! Turn! You have to turn the wheel. The car won't turn itself.
Me: *slowly turning the wheel* Aye.. we'll be fine.

That said, I'm not a disaster, I hasten to add. I have not stalled the car. I have not run anything over. I have not mounted the curb. I have not stopped inappropriately i.e. at a green light. In other words, there is hope.


Ah, that's it for now.


Maybe just one more.