Right. Quick update on major changes:
1) I've been changed from being on a temporary contract to being a permanent member of staff now. Hush hush...nooooo... that doesn't mean I'm NOT coming home. Ahem, it just means I can decide when I'm coming home instead of it being decided by my employer. More power to me.
2) I've started driving lessons! Hoho... had my second lesson today, went onto the main road... Woohooo...exhilarating! But oh... oh.... what stress! Clutch control (yeah, yeah, MANUAL car this time. Major culture shock. Apparently, only disabled people drive automatic cars here. Bummer.)
Anyway, back to where I was... clutch control, check rear mirror, blindspot, indicator, traffic lights, traffic signs, pedestrains, bicycle, buses! Arrrghh... drives me absolutely mad. Too much stimuli. Kindda like putting an epileptic into a room filled with multi-coloured flashing lights. Result? An epileptic fit, obviously.
OR, (wait for this) indicating left but tried to turn the car right!
Instructor: What are you doing? *attempting to steer the car left*
Me: Turning left. *steering the car right*
Alternatively, me turning a corner, letting the clutch go to quickly, hence almost heading into another car.
Instructor: Turn! Turn! You have to turn the wheel. The car won't turn itself.
Me: *slowly turning the wheel* Aye.. we'll be fine.
That said, I'm not a disaster, I hasten to add. I have not stalled the car. I have not run anything over. I have not mounted the curb. I have not stopped inappropriately i.e. at a green light. In other words, there is hope.
Ah, that's it for now.
Maybe just one more.

just to prove i dropped by to read your blog
Yeah, who uses manual car these day lor haha..
Wow, sounds 'exciting' those driving experiences, but yeah i agree there is still hope yet! :-)
ohhh...your bf is really tall. & long time no see =)
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