A summary of what I did this week...
Morning: Orientation to the acute mental health ward in the hospital.
Afternoon: Baking group
Spent the day working with the community mental health team. Went on home visits in the morning to follow up on people who have been discharged from the hospital to make sure that they are coping well back at home. I love home visits (although there are risks sometimes). I get to see the design of their homes (possibly get ideas for my future home) and see how they live... Observation of them in their "natural environment".
Most of them have lovely homes, the sort of English homes that one reads about in a fairy tale or sees in "Architectural Digest": carpeted floors, wallpapered walls, nice warm lights, fireplace (I love fireplaces!), tea sets, and huge sofas that swallows me up when I sit on it.
However, some homes are really bad. These usually are the clients that are unable to manage their homes for various reasons (mental health, physical health or socio-economical reasons). Food cartons and unwashed dishes everywhere, dodgy looking stains on the walls, carpet and sofa... As a therapist, I'm not supposed to judge. But there comes a point where this level of hygiene is not acceptable and worrying.
Sitting on the sofa is not so bad though. Once I sit on it, whatever that may be lurking under my bum doesn't quite bother me. The worst is when they serve tea. To reject would be rude. But tea that's served in a cup that looks like it haven't been washed for some time is just... *wince* Just be polite and take a tiny sip. Keep reminding myself that the tea was made with hot (and hopefully boiling) water so whatever germs that were there have been killed. Occupational hazard...
Highlight of the morning was meeting one client in a restaurant (her preferred place of meeting)...

Very cosy right?
Afternoon was spent doing more home visits and running a group at the local "community centre" for these clients. Topic of the afternoon was: "Assertiveness".
Are you assertive enough? Do you find it difficult to return a purchase if the product is damaged? What do you do when your boss makes a habit of giving you work half an hour before you knock off and tells you that "it's urgent and I need it by tomorrow morning"? What do you do when a person smokes next to you when it's clearly stated "no smoking" in that area?
Helped facilitate the art group in the hospital together with an art lecturer from a nearby college. It's an unstructured group and I think it's great because it allows the patients choice. They can choose to participate or not, they can choose if they want to do art or craft, and they can choose the medium they want to work with: pencils, charcoal, crayons, water colours, poster paint, acrylic paints, paper, silk, tiles etc etc...
Choice is a luxury when one is in an environment where you have to get up and shower by a specific time so that the doctors can make their rounds, meals are at a designated time, you are allowed visitors only at certain times and lights out are at a fixed time everyday.
Help facilitate a music group in the hospital together with a music lecturer from a nearby college. Similar to the art group, it was unstructured but more passive because it didn't require much "doing". Patients chose the song they wanted to sing and the lecturer would strum on his guitar. The atmosphere was great and at times, it was like karaoke while at other times, it was like a sing-a-long session. It's true that music connects people. Patients who were shy/did not socialize were suddenly singing, smiling and "connecting" with others.
My afternoon was spent doing physical rehabilitation with elderly patients. Included a kitchen assessment for a lady who was about to be discharged home. She made her tea with no apparent problems. If she does equally well for her home visit, she'll be out of the hospital and home in no time! =)
Attended a weekly team meeting for community mental health in the morning. Discussed patients and agreed on care plans.
Finished work at 12:30 because I only work 4.5 days a week.
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