Irvine Guest House
My accommodation for the first night… Also the place I met Mark.
Having to carry my luggage up the stairs is no fun...
Dining room
My room for the night...
Town of Irvine

... at 10am on a Sunday morning. I like this town already.
Seriously, there should be an international law that prohibits everyone
in the world from getting up before noon on Sunday and public holidays...
My Hospital Accommodation
With a chair and comforter like that, how can you doubt you’re on hospital grounds?
My room is really quite spacious...
Hand towels from “Kimberly-Clark”
Complete with the “Steps for handwashing” above the sink…
Once again to remind you you’re on hospital grounds.
But if you are so hopeless and can still forget,
especially if it's in the middle of the night,
Just take a look at the comforter…
I said the other day that the only things that can save this place are: Internet and nice people. Well…
Not available on residences. There is, however, a computer lab available in the hospital’s medical library, a 5 min walk down the hill from the residences. Hence, if there is no blog entry for the day, it means I have nothing to say that the weather is bad and I do not love you all enough to be bothered to put on my jacket, windbreaker, open my umbrella and risk being blown away just to blog. If, however, you still love me despite this, you are very welcome to call, sms or e-mail me to tell me that you miss me.
Very very fortunately, I have pretty decent flatmates. Lyndsay, who is a part-time psychologist, part-time student, has been living here for 7 months, pretty much all alone except for people like me who come and go. I can only imagine how the past 7 months has been for her: alone in the flat, then people moving in and probably upsetting her storage space, using her dishwashing liquid, taking up her freezer space… then moving away after a few weeks….then new people moving in again… and the cycle continues. Surprisingly though, she is still nice and not at all resentful against us.
My other flatmate is Yvonne, a sweet and pleasant girl who is a medical student and will be here for 5 weeks. The other morning, she was washing her dishes after breakfast so I left my bowl and spoon next to the sink planning to wash it after she was done with hers. 5 minutes later when I went back to the sink, my stuff has been washed!
The flat is not very “friendly” though. There is barely a communal area (which is right outside the bathroom and the toilet and is half the size of our rooms), a tiny table, and only 2 chairs. The kettle is so small that boils water for just 2 cups of tea. So, although I have pretty decent flatmates, we tend to remain in our rooms and only talk when we happen to meet in the kitchen which comes up to about 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening, on a good day…
There is 1 other person that I’ve spoke to in the building and it’s the guy that lives alone in the flat below mine (people are distributed strangely. Lots of people live alone instead of being placed to live together in 1 flat). I was walking up the stairs behind him 2 days ago and I noticed this pair of pants he was wearing. It was green. A very distinctive and familiar green. I couldn’t resist and I had to ask, “Are you an OT student?”. Turns out he is! A 3rd year OT student, originally from somewhere in the Gulf (he told me but I forgot) and studying at Queen Margaret in Edinburgh.
So overall, accommodation is awww-right.
6 weeks here will be fineeeeee...
Did I tell you my accommodation is uncannily similar to the picture you posted... Except I think my place might be a little bigger... haha... And if you like Irvine town, you will DEFINITELY LOVE DURHAM =)Much more quaint... Come down come down when you finally settle your schedule!
Really? Yeah, sounds like I might enjoy Durham then. I'm kindda enjoying the rural country side and finding out that perhaps I'm not a city girl after all.
Gimme some time to settle my schedule. I should be able to confirm by early next week. Then all I need to do is book the ticket.
What about Matt?
Matt will confirm his schedule later... If he comes, he comes... If he doesn't, you are still obliged to come down =P
Obliged?! And why would I be obliged? Haha.. but it's ok, I'm feeling generous. I shall grace Durham with my presence for 1 weekend.
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