Contrary to popular belief,
I'm actually a student!
Which involves studying, assignments, deadlines
and other boring things that students hate and working people miss.
It's always obvious when I'm having exams or deadlines coming up.
During these times,
I go into exile (self-imposed, of course)
because I feel I can concentrate better.
This year, self-imposed exile is easier to keep to.
No sms-es on "what is the answer for this?" or
"which chapter do you think will come out in the exam?"
(partly becuase there are no exams at all this year)
For maximum effectiveness, exile should be absolute.
I appreciate that my flatmates understand my eccentricities
(lest you think I'm weird, let me clarify that they also have their own eccentricities.)
They understand my need for peace but at the same time,
they show their concern in heartwarming ways
such as instant messaging me to say:
"Hope your work is going well. I'm going to bed. See you tmr"
or slipping a little note under my door:
"Hope you are alright and doing quite well. Good night and C U tmr"
How sweet.

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