I apologize that you have had to wait so long before I finally got my act together to write this entry. I originally meant to title this “In loving memory of James” and follow it with a beautiful eulogy. But then I recalled a psychology class last year where we had to write our own eulogies. I think I wrote something like “Mae was a good friend with a loving heart and a brilliant mind. She gave her best in all that she did. Unfortunately, she left us too early, just as she was finishing her education and was about to move on to fulfill her dream of being a good occupational therapist. We will always remember the ways she touched and brightened our lives.” I remembered how hard it was to write a eulogy that sounded sincere yet did justice to the character of the person – especially when the person is still alive. So I decided to do away with the eulogy for you and write you a proper entry instead. =)
I finally got a picture of you (guess from where?). It must please you immensely to see it plastered up and to have an entry dedicated specially to you. When I first told my flatmates that you were no longer here (after the New Year), they thought you had moved out without Mac. When I clarified that you were no longer in Aberdeen but back in London, they immediately thought you had quit school and moved home to practice as a lawyer again. I am almost sure they sighed with relief when they found out you did not return to your previous profession.
You might like to know what been happening since you left. The cleaners cleaned your room (please tell me you were kidding when you asked Mac to clean your room! A guy came to fix our windows last week and he had to come back the next day just so Mac could tidy up a path for him from the door to the window of his room). Anyway, your room is currently unoccupied although somebody came to view the room last week.
More about your flatmates…
We had Mac and Gordon up for cake 2 weekends ago and Mac brought up the TV you left him. We watched “Talented Mr Ripley” on it and at the end of the movie, Mac asked us: Did you get this TV from Asda? We all looked at him with incredulous looks on our faces and he continued "Because I have one that’s exactly the same." It’s unbelievable! Mac’s just like the 10-minute man in Memento!
We’ve also not let Mac forget that he spoilt the toaster after trying to toast pork chops in them. He has a brilliant new plan now, by the way. Part 1 of his plan involves buying up toasters to repackage and re-sell them as “pork-chop cookers”. Part 2 of his plan came about because pork chops are usually too thick to be stuffed into the toaster and thus, the plan involves selling special toasterpork-chop-cooker-sized pork chops. I have to admit that I am unable to keep up with his infinite creativity.
The same weekend, Steph, Mac, Gordon and I went to The Belmont. Steph watched “Donnie Darco” while the rest of us watched “The Constant Gardener”. Before the movies started, we had some time and went for a drink. They provided games too and we ended up playing Jenga for a while. Surprisingly, none of the other three have played the game before… but it’s relatively simple so we managed to get started after a short explanation from me. BUT, halfway through the game, Gordon suddenly said that he has a set of Jenga at home! Haha… Anyway, here are the photos…

Here’s the full story of what happened the night Mac came home drunk. Yes, there are many such nights. This is just the story of the most recent night. Sometime between 4 and 5am, he rang the buzzer of ALL FOUR FLATS to try to get someone to let him into the building because he forgot his keys. After an eternally long time, Mark let him into the building and flat. Shortly after that, I was awoken by loud head-banging music that went on for close to 5minutes before it was abruptly shut off. Gordon said that was because Mark told Mac that “it is 5 o’clock now. Go to bed. You can listen to your music later on” and shut the music off. Unfortunately for all of us, Mac decided to go outside for a cigarette. Without his keys. Again. And so there was a 2nd round of buzzing ALL FOUR FLATS for someone to let him in (Mark did it again). You’re absolutely right in describing him as a “bloody hell of a nightmare”. If we all weren’t so laid back and if he wasn’t so nice when he’s sober, there would have been murder...
That’s it for now! I’ll catch you in London in April! =)
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