Sunday, January 01, 2006


New Year’s Eve this time was an odd assortment of activities. Unlike any other New Year’s Eve I’ve had.

Started the day as per usual, getting up and having breakfast, and got ready in good time to go to the theatre for a pantomime of “Peter Pan”. Pantomimes are not only for kids, alright? Adults can enjoy them too! It was a very enjoyable hour and a half and I heard some of the lamest jokes in a long time.

One of them was:
Pirate 1 to Pirate 2 (who had a headache) – Why don’t you go take an Aspirin?
Pirate 2 (who was also holding onto a huge stuffed parrot) – I can’t. The parrots ate them all.

Really WTH right? Hahaha...


Went with Elli and Hugh to visit Elli’s Grandmother and Aunt.

I told Elli the other day (on the way to have coffee with Elli’s friend’s grandmother) that this is indeed a different experience for me.

I have never specially gone to meet any of my friend’s grandparents (or parents, for that matter). It’s one thing to meet them if my friend jumps out of the car with his/her family in it, or if they are at home when I go over, or if they are shopping in the same shopping centre… you get the idea. But it’s another story altogether to specially meet up with their (grand)parents without my friend.

I have also never brought any of my friends to meet my grandparents.

Hey, are my grandparents missing out on something here?

Ok, I’m now looking for volunteers to have coffee with my grandparents while I’m away (that will be me visiting my grandparents by proxy).

And who wants to go with me to visit my grandparents when I’m back?

In return, you will be treated to an afternoon of lovely conversation, tea and cakes. You know how to reach me if you’re interested =)


Later that evening, my dad bought Elli, Hugh and Rae (her sister) dinner at a restaurant to thank them for their kind hospitality, hosting me for 2 weeks during this festive season.

My dad, at the point of the dinner, however, was in Singapore and didn’t know that he was buying dinner, of course.

Oh well.

Minor detail.

He would know when the bill arrives.

I, as his daughter, did what he would have done had he been here. It was just done differently - dinner by proxy. *grin*


The rest of the evening was rather sedate (the wine might have had something to do with that) and we watched “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” on DVD, pausing mid-show and switching to BBC just to watch the countdown.

The countdown in London was done opposite the London Eye and the fireworks were just beauuuutiful… It was burst after burst of colour, carefully choreographed and timed. You get the feeling, as you watch it, that it was a no-expense-spared festival of fireworks. It was so intense and went on for much longer than expected. I would not have been surprised if they said it would continue until 2007.

We celebrated with a bottle of champagne (yay!!) and after 15 minutes of fireworks, returned, more sedated than ever, to watching Charlie and the weird Willy Wonka.


Cheers, everyone!

Happy 2006!

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