Friday, November 04, 2005

Goodbye... for now...

My final post before I leave Aberdeen for Glasgow at 6:40am tomorrow! From there, I will proceed on to Irvine, where I will stay for a night or two and try to see what the big fat fuss about the duck race is about, before moving to Kilmarnock for the remaining 6 weeks.

My laptop is the final bulky item I have to pack into my suitcase. Why can't I carry my laptop in a normal laptop bag? Yeah, very good question.

1) I am 1 person. With 2 hands. Only.

2) The laptop bag just screams: Hey look! I have a laptop! Come mug meeeee!!!

I can do without problems so...laptop goes into the suitcase.

Today was extremely productive. All the things that have been piling on top of the suitcase finally goes inside neatly.

Thinking about it, 6 weeks isn't exactly long. But there are just so many things to pack. The techie stuff is enough to drive me crazy.

Laptop and battery + lock + speakers + cables + charger + mouse + USB hub + webcam + headphone/mike + thumbdrive

Handphone + charger

Camera + charger + cable + rechargeable batteries

See my point??!! And these excludes things like 2-pin plugs and multi-socket plugs.

Why can't these accessories come fitted together with the laptop/handphone/camera then I don't have to carry all these extras around AND save me the hassle of plugging/unplugging all of them?!

But for the sake of remaining contactable, I shall lug them all along...

To be better prepared for my trip tomorrow (yeah, I'm very big on preparation and planning... I'm scared I get lost, can?) I spent the whole afternoon studying.

I studied the map of central Glasgow!

Sounds dumb. But I think it is going to be so not funny to be dragging my luggage and asking every other person on the street for directions. So I decided to know the directions and the landmarks along the way to where I'm going.

This feels like one of life's exams.

I tell you if I pass ok?

Au revoir...

Until I next get Internet access.


Anonymous said...

Hey have a gd trip to Irvine!!! Hope everything turns out fine for u =) I believe it will,with your fantastic organisation/planning skills. And it's just so 'Mae' to plan everything beforehand and write every single event into her schedule book(I m not saying it is a bad thing,it's gd actually).haha....=p

Have fun!!

Minz said...

Haha...You still remember that I write things down?! =P It's an ORGANIZER mah... got organizer so must use... anyway, if you thought I was BAD last time, read my new post. It's about PLANNING!!